Bybelvertaling inleiding


Daar was alreeds vorige besoekers op hierdie webblad

These pages are in BETA and you could expect anything to go wrong, even though every effort has been made for it not to happen.

If you got here by mistake, praise be to the Lord Almighty because all these pages have to do with Bible translations. However, they are mainly in Afrikaans as most of them concern the new (1983) translation. Some material and resources are in English, so feel free to browse around.

If you came here per reference or to check the contents, I really appreciate it very much. Many hours have gone into this document - first by the original authors and then by me to publish it on the Internet, although I think the authors spent the amount of months that I spent in hours!

However, before you go on to the translations, why not read some interesting news on religion matters all over the world:



Either way, please drop me an email to let me know what you think of the content, to criticise, to complain, to compliment or whatever else you want to do. If you are from outside South Africa I will appreciate a nice picture postcard with a landmark of somewhere in your country. Contact me by email for my snail-mail address.

I have deliberately not included any contact details of the authors. As soon as they have approved this document I will place their contact details here only with their consent. So until then you have to deal with me, sorry.

One last thing: if you don't understand Afrikaans but want to know what these pages are about, we can do a deal. I pick up languages quickly, so you teach me to yours and I'll teach you Afrikaans!

You can contact me here.

And now, on to the document!